Tuesday, July 31st
Had a nice lunch at Applebee's in Lee's Summit, Missouri and then went to see the movie No Reservations. It was an enjoyable afternoon.
Tonight, we are staying in...relaxing, for a change.
Had a nice lunch at Applebee's in Lee's Summit, Missouri and then went to see the movie No Reservations. It was an enjoyable afternoon.
This morning we went to Arthur Bryant's BBQ in Kansas City,
This morning, MA and I joined MA's cousin, Berry Yeldell, for worship services at the Blue Springs Community Church. The singing and the sermon were inspirational!
We left our campsite at 7:45am and drove 100 miles west to Topeka, Kansas for the funeral of my Uncle Harry Brelsford. It was a very touching service, led by Harry's long-time friend, and self-described, protege', Jim Stringer. After the graveside sertvice, we all assembled at Aunt Lou's for food. Many very distant memories were awoken.
I was reading in my Roadfood book (about places to eat across the
This evening we were invited to join John Yeldell (MA's cousin)
Today, we had Bill and Fran Welch join us for lunch at our campsite. I worked for Bill at Braniff Airlines in Dallas in the late '60's - early '70's. Bill had me work on the Hawaiian Airlines and On-line Schedule Change projects which were the first projects of "substance" in my early career. Bill left Braniff and went to work with TWA in Kansas City, residing in Blue Springs. We stayed in touch for several years but then lost contact. On a whim, I looked in the Blue Springs phonebook last Sunday while visiting Debbie Yeldell at the Lake Lotawana home and found Bill and Fran still residing in Blue Springs! They graciously accepted our invitation to lunch. MA prepared a beautiful lunch with sliced tomatoes, cantaloupe and chicken salad. We shared many stories and it was a GREAT visit! On a sad note, the pic I took of the table and our guests was too blurry to publish - my fault - loose nut holding the camera.
This morning, MA gather up the dirty clothes and we headed back to Kansas, to Aunt Pat Heinz's, to do two loads of laundry and visit. It was a wonderful visit and then Pat took us to the Elephant Bar Restaurant for lunch. Aunt Pat and I and Mary Alice have always had a special relationship. MA introduced Pat to Chico's clothing store several years ago.
This morning, MA attended church services at the Blue Springs Community Church. Her cousin, Berry, named for MA's father,
MA & I ate breakfast at IHOP this morning and then went shopping. Yesterday, MA bought me several shirts and shorts. I decided to keep three shirts and one pair of shorts and return the rest. Today we did the returns and added one more pair of shorts.
Wednesday, MA & I went to the AT&T (corporate) store in Independence, Missouri and got new cell phones and a new two year contract with AT&T. At the same time, I purchased a new "Air card". Since April 2006, I have been using a Cingular Sierra Wireless 860 AirCard to gain Internet access whenever we did not have a WiFi signal. This has worked fine for 15 months.
After a Cracker Barrel breakfast, we drove to Lawrence, Kansas, home to the University of Kansas. Julie and Steve's son, Shay, and two friends, Chris and Clyde, own a home design business in downtown Lawrence, www.eangee.com. Shay was not there but we did get to visit with Chris. What a fine young man!
We went over to my Aunt Lou and Uncle Harry's home around 11am. We ate lunch and visited for several hours. Aunt Lou looked great! Uncle Harry, now 90 years old, is having a very tough time. His health has diminished and he has lost so much weight.
After breakfast at the local diner in Goodland, Kansas, we headed toward Kansas City. We contacted my cousin, Julie Elder, in Topeka, Kansas and made arrangements to see Julie and her husband, Steve, their daughter, Megan and her husband, and my aunt Lou and Uncle Harry.
Today, we drove just over 400 miles to Goodland, Kansas where we spent the night in the Wal-Mart parking lot. Nothing special to report today. The first 200 miles were beautiful, over the Monarch Pass (11,000 feet) and along the Arkansas River. We stopped for lunch in Canon City but, since we had both seen the Royal Gorge several times, and even taken a train thru it, we decided not to take the side trip to the Gorge.
We have so much enjoyed our time here in Lake City. The time spent with Sylvia and Terry and their families has been special. And the Jeep off-roading and the 4-wheeling has been exciting!
We ate breakfast, once again, at the Tic Toc Grill here in Lake City. We both tried the bacon, egg and cheese sandwich with chopped up green chilis.
We are running out of things to do here in Lake City. We have driven all the 4-wheel trails close to City. We have eaten at most of the Lake City establishments. Saturday, we leave for our four day trip to Kansas City. Saturday, we will drive the 211 miles to Pueblo, Colorado and spend Saturday night there. There is a Cracker Barrel and Sam's Club there. I need to get to Sam's Club ASAP. I am going to get a new laptop there. It is VERY cumbersome to have to drag the newly purchased monitor everywhere I take the old Dell laptop. But that is the only way the old laptop will work since its display screen stopped working.
This morning, Sylvia and Terry came to our coach for haircuts. That's right, MA has set up shop right here in Lake City, Colorado. Yesterday, she gave me a trim and Terry & Sylvia were envious. So, MA said she would cut their hair. How does Mary Alice's Clip Joint sound? Better than Jack the Clipper don't you think?
This morning, Terry & Sylvia were walking their dog, Keeper,
My Dell laptop picked last night to go on the blink. The processor and the hard disk are working OK but, I get almost no display. I have to use a bright flashlight at an acute angle to be able to read the display. VERY awkward.
This morning, Berri and Colin flew to Cancun, Mexico for the marriage of Colin's daughter, Emma, to her LONG time boyfriend, Lee. We wish everyone a safe, wonderful and exciting time in Mexico!
This evening, we invited Terry, Sylvia, Evan (Terry's grandson), Celine, Rob & Sophia over for dinner. MA heated up the frozen gumbo that she had prepared last Friday in Montrose. Sylvia
What a great location to celebrate the birthday of America's independence!
This morning, MA went to the local laundromat to do laundry. I took the Jeep to the Toy Wash, do-it-yourself car wash just north of town. We found a Texas-style BBQ place and enjoyed ribs, brisket and sausage.
This morning, our friend, Terry Hix, came by the campsite and asked us to join them on an
We leisurely packed up the coach and said goodbye to our newest friends, Carol and Ron of Shreveport, Louisiana and Peg and Wayne King, owners of the Riverbend RV Park in Montrose. We promised to keep in touch and both couples have made the mistake of inviting to their home for a visit. We most likely will.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to describe the beauty that MA and I saw today! We