I was reading in my Roadfood book (about places to eat across the USA) about several places in the Kansas City area. One place stood out as a "must do - today" place...Stroud's Fried Chicken near Troost and E. 85th St in KCMO. Road signs said "Road Closed" on BOTH sides of where Strouds is SUPPOSED to be. Turns out that the city claimed the property by Eminent Domain several years ago, to build a bridge. The Roadfood book mentioned a second location, so we called Information and found them WAY north. So, north we drove. Found it and it was TOTALLY great, comparable to Babe's in Texas! The restaurant is located in a farmhouse built in the 1830's.
After lunch, we drove into the small town of Parkville, Missouri and found the two-bedroom, white frame home that my parents rented when we moved back to the Kansas City area from Oklahoma City in 1953. We lived there about four months before moving to the Garden Apartments in North Kansas City, Missouri. On the way back to the campground in Blue Springs, Missouri, we drove thru Independence, Missouri and took this pic of the Harry Truman Family Home. It was called the "Summer Whitehouse" during his presidency (1945 - 1953).
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