We left Monroe, LA very early Monday morning and drove the backroads up to Lake DeGray, Arkansas. Got here in mid-day and son, Tony and his wife, Misty, joined us. We stopped at a roadside vegetable stand and picked up squash, corn and peaches for dinner. After a quick grocery stop, we came back to our campsite enjoyed a relaxing afternoon with Tony and Misty.
We are camped at Edgewood CG, a Corps of Engineers facility. In addition to usually being clean and situated near water, CofE campgrounds are moderately priced ($10 - $18) AND, us old folks get a 50% discount with the Golden Age Passport (age 62 minimum). So, we are here for two nights at a total cost of $10!
We cooked shish-ka-BOB's for dinner and then Tony & Misty returned home to Hot Springs).
Today, we will visit them at their loft apartment, downtown Hot Springs in the former Hot Springs High School, which is famous for a former pupil, Billy Clinton.