Approved for the Home Loan
A semi-retired couple, with no visible means of support, get qualified for a mortgage loan!
Is this a great country or what?!?
We have made a couple of selection changes and added under
After two VERY intense weeks of meeting with our realtor, Jane, researching every Internet site related to Greenville house sales, Greenville County public records for prior sales and comp
We are EXTREMELY focused on getting the right home for the re-nesting phase of our life. I promise that I will bring the blog up to date very soon...hopefully with good news.
This morning, Ashley called for help. The Christmas tree had fallen and many ornaments were broken all over the tile floor. We scurried over to assist. It was not a huge catastrophe, just an inconvenience. We got the tree stripped of all ornaments and swept up the broken glass. Turns out that the base that holds the tree is quite heavy but wide/long enough for a 9' tree.
MA got in from Monroe, Louisiana last night around 9:30. Great to have her home safe and sound. Seems like a lot of the family is flying around the world right now. Ashley's husband, Javi, is in Dubai and going on to Copenhagen early next week. He will return next Wednesday, in time for Camryn Marie's pre-school Christmas program. Berri's husband, Colin, got stuck overnight in Amsterdam while returning from visiting his family in Birmingham, England.
I suffered thru a really miserable night...little sleep, headache & congestion. At first opportunity I went to Doctor Care walk-in facility. PA Dean says that I have a very bad sinus infection and the beginnings of bronchitis. WOW! The nurse gave me a cortisone shot to reduce infalmmation and prescriptions for 5-day anti-biotic, seven day decongestant and a pill for anti-inflammation. I ate a quick breakfast at Cracker barrel while Wal-Mart filled the prescriptions. I expect to begin to feel better soon.
Bless her heart, MA was just worn out from yesterday's non-stop drive from Greenville, South Carolina to Francis Louise's home in Monroe, Louisiana. She made a great decision to stay with good friend, Alyce, for two nights and get some serious down time today.
MA, Francis Louise and Eula Mae left before 8am this morning in Javi's Jeep Laredo. They arrived just before 8pm. It was a VERY long and fatiguing trip for them. MA will spend the night with friend, Alyce, and relax tomorrow before leaving Thursday to return to Greenville.
Javi went back to work today and I took Berri to the Greenville - Spartanburg Airport for her return flight to Austin.
We drove two cars out to the Christmas tree farm near Ware
MA cooked breakfast this morning and then we got started around 9:30am. We took the longer route thru far northeast Alabama, far northwest Georgia, far south east Tennessee, far western North Carolina and far northwestern South Carolina. This route took us thru Chatanooga, Tennessee, Murphy, North Carolina, Westminster, South Carolina and on in to Simpsonville, a suburb of Greenville.