Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesday, June 12th - MA Goes to Monroe, Louisiana

We had set our cell phone alarms to wake us at 5:45 so we could get MA to the Boise airport by 6:45 for a 8:00am flight to DFW. At 5:00am, both MA and my cell phones rang. Had we set the time wrong? No, it was Delta Airlines calling with a recorded message that her flight had been delayed until 9:30am. So, we reset our cell phone alarms and went back to sleep.

MA got to Salt Lake City and had to really scurry to get to her supposed "thru" flight to DFW. But, she made it to DFW but, one bag did not. So she went ahead and rented a car from Avis and waited at the airport for the bag which arrived on a 5:15 flight.

I am piddling around the coach...doing a bunch of small maintenance tasks.