Monday, May 28th - Mining Country
Ken and Jan picked us up at 10am and we drove east to their old

We stopped for lunch at the Enaville Resort and Snakepit in Enaville, Idaho. The building housed many business in its day, including a bordello (mining the miners).
Later we drove further east to the town of Kellogg, Idaho, home to the now closed Bunker Hill Mine Company. Silver, Zinc, lead and a little gold were mined and smelted in this area. It has been one of the top targets of EPA clean-up initiatives.
On the way back to our camp, Ken spotted a moose wading in a pond about 200 yards off the highway.
We have thoroughly enjoyed our time here in Spokane and Coeur d'Alene with Ken and Jan! We hope to see them in July when we are in Lake City, Colorado.
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