Thursday, October 19, 2006

Wednesday, October 18th

Drove around the Amish country in Lancaster County, PA today, stopping in Bird-in-Hand, PA to have lunch with Todd, Carole and Samantha Mitchell, friends that we met while I was working a furniture sale in Houma, LA. Todd, Carole and Sam, as well as their son, Josh, also work for Hoyt Highfill Associates, working sales around the country. They do many more sales than I work, so they are constantly on the move. They are managing and working a sale near York, PA and we arranged to meet them at the Plain & Fancy Farm in Bird-in-Hand. It was a terrific lunch with fried chicken, meat loaf, mashed potatoes, green beans and apple crisp dessert.

After we said good-bye to Todd, Carole & Sam, we drove to Strasburg, PA and I toured the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania...very interesting as PA has a long and rich history of railroading.

On the road back to Gale's home, we saw this hot air balloon landing in the field of an Amish farm.